Monday 4 July 2011

Kuih Tepung Pelita

This sweet and creamy kuih is also one of my favourite.
It has two layer, one at the bottom, is green and the upper part
is white and has creamy taste, from coconut milk.
It texture just like jell-O with a tradition touch on it :)
Now, I would like to share the recipe.

Kuih Tepung Pelita

1 packet of rice flour
1 cup of sugar
2 1/2 thick coconut milk
5 cups of hot water
1/2 cup of pandan extract
pandan leaves/ banana for mould

Mix rice flour with 1 cup of coconut milk, salt (A)
Mix flour with hot water and pandan extract (B)
Create a square mold from banana or pandan leaves 
Heat the steamer, when the water is boiled, arrange the mold onto the tray
add a teaspoon of sugar into each mold.
put (B) into the mold and steamed it until frozen,
after that, pour (A) on top of it and steam until it cooked.

lots of love,

Sunday 3 July 2011

Entertainment of Urang Ulu

Ibrahim Mohamed Taib, is a famous person in Hulu Terengganu.
He is a poet and an actor, (theater).
Some people, call him as Ibrahim Hulu.

This is his Poem (urang ulu version) lol
the real version of Hulu Terengganu slang.

Aku tetap urang ulu

Jadilah Awang (sudahlah Awang)

so long, enjoy and hopefully
you guys will understand it :D

lots of love,

Sedikit Memory

Berdasarkan keterangan itu ternyatalah Kuala Berang
 pernah menjadi pusat perniagaan yang utama di 
Asia Tenggara disamping Seri Wijaya dalam kurun masihi yang ke 12. 
Selain daripada itu, disinilah juga berlakunya 
Perlantikan Kesultanan Terengganu Pertama.

Daerah ini juga terbukti merupakan tempat terawal 
menerima Agama Islam di semenanjung Tanah Melayu 
berdasarkan catitan pada Batu Bersurat Terengganu
 bertarikh 1303 M (702 H) yang dijumpai di Kampung Buloh, Hulu Terengganu.

Di samping itu, daerah Hulu Terengganu juga pernah 
menjadi tempat kunjungan dan tempat bermastautin 
tokoh-tokoh ulama seperti yang dibuktikan dengan 
penemuan makam-makam lama seperti Makam Tok Raja Ri di
 Kampung Kuala Por, Makam Tok Pauh di Kampung Pauh, 
Makam Tok Gajah di Kampung Pasir Nering, Makam Tok Berlian
 Mahmud di Kampung Kemat, Makam Tun Indera di Kampung
 Kuala Por dan Makam Sharif Mohammad al-Baghdadi di Kampung Jenagor.

Hulu Terengganu juga pernah menjadi tumpuan 
pahlawan-pahlawan Melayu seperti Tok Gajah, Dato` Bahaman, 
Tok Janggut, Mat Kilau dan lain-lain lagi di awal abad ke 19. 
Daerah ini dijadikan sebagai kubu dan tempat 
persembunyian mereka bagi mengatur strategi menentang 
penjajahan Inggeris pada ketika itu. Antara peristiwa 
yang masih menjadi ingatan sehingga ke hari ini 
ialah Peristiwa Padang Kacong di Kuala Telemong.

lots of love,

Lepat Pisang

this kuih is basically made from bananas.
If my beloved readers got extra bananas in their house,
they can try this recipe. It is delicious!

Lepat Pisang


6 bananas
45gm sugar
30gm flour
2tsp custard powder
3 teaspoons grated white coconut
1 1/2 teaspoon of soaked sago
10 banana leaves, cleaned and cut to size 17.5 x 12.5
10 pandan leaves, each section measuring 5 cm


set up the steamer
Mashed bananas with sugar then add flour, oil, starch and salt.
stir well.
Put 1 spoon this mixture over the pandan leaves then 
wrapped in banana leaves
Steam for 15-20 minutes
Serve hot or cold

lots of love,

Saturday 2 July 2011

Kuih Bakar Pandan

This time I wanna show you guys
our traditional kuih, known as Kuih Bakar.
why Kuih Bakar?
because this kuih have to be baked with charcoal when
we were in the back days.
nowadays, most people just bake them in the oven, just like this recipe.

Kuih Bakar Pandan

1 cup sugar
1 cup pandan juice - (i used pandan paste and water)
2 cups plain flour
1/2 tsp salt
3 eggs
2 1/4 cups coconut milk (450ml)
2 tbsp butter
a few drops of green colouring
sesame seeds

Blend all ur ingredients- put aside
Add 2tbsp of cooking oil in a 10" pan
Preheat oven and place ur pan in it. Once u see the oil heated, 
pour in batter, top it with sesame seeds and bake it at 175C for 90mins..
 if u want ur kuih bakar not to hv crust.. u can bake it for an hr 
or till batter is baked... (previously i baked it for 45 mins 200C)

lots of love,

Kuih lapis

This kuih is well-known for breakfast.
It is easy to find at every stall that sell food for breakfast.
This kuih is chewy and attractive in colour.
It is not so sweet, it just nice.
For you guys that want to prepare this kuih at home
I also shared the recipe for the readers.

Kuih Lapis

1 1/2 cup flour
3 tbsp rice flour
2 tbsp corn flour
1 cup sugar
5 cup coconut milk (i used 350ml KARA and 
top the rest with water)
1 tsp salt
red colouring and a few drops of rose essence

Combine dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl. 
Pour in coconut milk mix well. Strain the batter to ensure it is free from lumps.
Divide batter into two equal portion and add red colouring and rose essence to one part
Place a greased 8 inch tray in the steamer and heat up for 4–5 minutes.
Steam the batter layer by layer. Pour the 1st layer of batter 
on the heated tray. Cover and steam over medium heat for 5 minutes or until set.
Follow by the next color and steam for 5 minutes and then the next layer.
Repeat the procedure, alternating the color until all the batter is used up.
After the final layer is set, steam the kuih for a further 20 minutes.
Cool the kuih thoroughly before cutting into it.

lots of love,

Friday 1 July 2011

Puteri Mandi

This really sweet dish is a total Yes for Hulu Terengganu
and Yes it is a really SWEET dishes
it makes from palm sugar, sugar that is brownish and really sweet

Although it is a total crash for our tastebud
yet, it is so delicious.
without any further description about the dish 
(actually I've got no idea to promote this dish any further)

as usual, this dish can be found easily at the local market
and it is a famous dish during Ramadhan.
If one's want to make it I shared the recipe here.

Puteri Mandi

Ingredients for the dough
500gm glutinous rice flour
enough water
little green food coloring
Mill pandan leaf water

Ingredients for the sauce
1/2kg grated coconut white
500gm palm sugar
250ml of water
1 pandan leaf

Cooking method
Mix glutinous rice flour with a bit of salt and addwater until it become a dough. Knead the dough until it is smooth.
Colored the dough, knead a small rounded with a gentle press at the middle,
repeat until all the dough been rounded.
Boil water and boiled the dough until it is fully cooked.
Once it is fully cooked, pick them up and put it into the cold water first.
To make the broth, boil water, Pandan leaves and palm sugar.
Stir until the sugar crumbled.
Add the coconut flakes, mix with the sauce until it thickens.
Pour the dough and mix them with the broth until it blended together.

lots of love,

Apam seri ayu

This munch and soft traditional cakes is very delicious.
It is suitable for an evening tea time with family
Besides, this cake is not baked but it is steamed, so, everybody can eat it
because it is not contain any extra calories that can make you guys obesity.
The aroma of the coconut flakes really makes this cakes
so mouth watering and me myself, in personal love this type of dish.

This apam seri ayu is easy to find in local market,
one who have desire to taste it can come to Hulu Terengganu and
search for it. The price is so cheap and reasonable to buy it.
But if you guys want to try it by your own
this is the recipe for this beautiful 

Apam Seri Ayu

5 eggs (small size)
250gm flour
300gm sugar
2 tsp ovallatte
1 teaspoon baking powder
250ml coconut milk
little green food coloring
2tsp pandan paste
adequate coconut flakes (mixed with a little salt and tapioca flour)

Heat a steamer
Beat eggs, sugar and ovallatte until it fluffy
Add coconut milk, flour, baking powder, pandan paste and dye
Stir again until it is well blended.
Rub some oil in the mold
Insert the coconut flakes in the bottom of the mold.
Spoon the mixture and steam it for about 5 minutes.
Once you removed it from the steamer, wait it until cold
a little bit and removed it from the mold.

 lots of love, 